JavaScript project ideas: Text Analyzer

Javascript project ideas: This program analyzes a given text and provides information such as the number of words, characters, and average word length. javascript exercisesjavascript exercises and solutionsjavascript exercises for beginnersjavascript function exercisesjavascript practice exercises with solutionsjavascript tasks for practicejavascript variables exercisesjs exercises The analyzeText() function, which accepts a text Read more…

javascript project for portfolio: Alarm Clock

javascript exercisesjavascript exercises and solutionsjavascript exercises for beginnersjavascript function exercisesjavascript practice exercises with solutionsjavascript tasks for practicejavascript variables exercisesjs exercises The setTimeout() function in JavaScript can be used to create a straightforward alarm clock that plays a sound or displays a message at a particular time. Here’s an illustration: The Read more…

Budget Tracker Javascript project

javascript exercisesjavascript exercises and solutionsjavascript exercises for beginnersjavascript function exercisesjavascript practice exercises with solutionsjavascript tasks for practicejavascript variables exercisesjs exercises Budget Tracker JavaScript project : We are going to create a budget tracker that enables users to enter their earnings and outgoings and shows their current budget. 1- HTML : Read more…

Javascript exercises variables 3

In these javascript exercises, we’ll investigate a few more intricate scenarios involving JavaScript variables. You will have to use your understanding of variables, loops, conditionals, and other programming concepts to solve the problems in these exercises. The solutions offered will show various methods for resolving these issues, but there may Read more…