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Best 10 If...Else Statements in JavaScript Exercises and Solutions

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Introduction to If…Else Statements in JavaScript

Hey there, JavaScript warriors! You’ve already conquered variables, wrestled with functions, and now it’s time to unleash the mighty power of “if…else” statements! These awesome tools are like the gatekeepers of your code, determining what happens when things go down.

if...else in javascript
if...else javascript
javascript else if
javascript if else
if statement javascript

Hold tight, JavaScript warriors! You conquered variables, wrestled with functions, and now it’s time to unleash the power of if…else statements (or maybe you heard it called else if javascript, if else in javascript, all good homie)! These bad boys are the gatekeepers of your code, decidin’ what happens when stuff goes down.

Think of it like this: you at the club, bouncer says “ID check!” If you got your ID, you waltz right in. Else, well, you stuck outside with the pigeons. If…else statements work the same way, checkin’ conditions and decidin’ what code to run based on the answer.

This ain’t some dusty textbook stuff. We gonna break it down smooth, with examples clearer than a freshly buffed sneaker. We’ll have you writin’ code that branches out like a boss, handlin’ different situations like a champ. We’ll even cover your homie, the else if javascript statement, for when you got more than two choices on your plate.

So, buckle up, JavaScript crew! Get ready to take your coding skills to the next level and become the master of the “if…else” universe! Let’s do this!

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else if javascript
if else in javascript

10 If…Else JavaScript Exercises

Exercise 1: Determining Age

Question 1: How can you check if a variable’s value makes someone an adult or a minor with If Else?

Solution: We assign an age value and use an if…else statement to determine if the person is an adult or a minor based on the age.

let age = 20; if (age >= 18) { console.log("You are an adult."); } else { console.log("You are a minor."); }

Exercise 2: Password Strength

Question 2: How can you assess the strength of a password with If Else?

Solution: We analyze the length of a password and determine its strength using an if…else statement.

let password = "abc123"; if (password.length >= 8) { console.log("Password is strong."); } else { console.log("Password is weak."); }

Exercise 3: Comparing Numbers

Question 3: How can you compare two numbers and decide which one is greater with if else?

Solution: We assign two numbers and utilize an if…else statement to compare them and determine their relationship.

let num1 = 5; let num2 = 10; if (num1 > num2) { console.log("num1 is greater than num2."); } else { console.log("num2 is greater than or equal to num1."); }
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If you need more javascript exercises: JavaScript exercises

Exercise 4: Weather Decision

Question 4: How do you decide whether to carry an umbrella based on weather conditions with If Else?

Solution: We handle a boolean variable and use an if…else statement to make a weather-related decision.

let isRaining = true; if (isRaining) { console.log("Bring an umbrella."); } else { console.log("No need for an umbrella."); }
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Exercise 5: Even or Odd

Question 5: How can you identify whether a number is even or odd with If Else?

Solution: We examine a number’s divisibility by 2 and determine if it’s even or odd using an if else statement.

let num = 6; if (num % 2 === 0) { console log("Number is even."); } else { console.log("Number is odd."); }

Exercise 6: Array Length

Question 6: How do you assess the length of an array and make a decision based on it with If Else?

Solution: We work with an array and use an if…else statement to decide if it’s too long or of the right length.

let myArray = ["apple", "banana", "cherry", "date", "elderberry", "fig"]; if (myArray.length > 5) { console.log("Array is too long."); } else { console.log("Array is the right length."); }
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shorthand if else javascript
if else shorthand javascript
shorthand if...else javascript
shorthand if/else javascript
javascript shorthand if

Exercise 7: Grading Students

Question 7: How can you assign grades based on a student’s score with If Else?

Solution: We evaluate a student’s score and assign grades using an if…else statement with multiple conditions.

let score = 85; if (score >= 90) { console.log("A"); } else if (score >= 80) { console.log("B"); } else if (score >= 70) { console.log("C"); } else { console.log("F"); }

Exercise 8: Number Categories

Question 8: How can you categorize numbers as positive, negative, or zero with If Else?

let num = -7; if (num > 0) { console.log("Number is positive."); } else if (num < 0) { console.log("Number is negative."); } else { console.log("Number is zero."); }

Solution: We classify numbers as positive, negative, or zero based on their values using an if else statement.

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one line if else javascript
one line if/else javascript
if else javascript shorthand

Exercise 9: String Length

Question 9: How do you decide if a string’s length is too long with If Else?

let myString = "Hello, world!"; if (myString.length > 10) { console.log("String is too long."); } else { console.log("String is the right length."); }

Solution: We assess a string’s length to determine if it’s too long or the right length using an if else statement.

Exercise 10: Multiples of 5

Question 10: How can you identify numbers that are multiples of 5 with If Else?

Solution: We check if a number is a multiple of 5 using the modulo operator and an if else JavaScript.

let num = 25; if (num % 5 === 0) { console.log("Number is a multiple of 5."); } else { console.log("Number is not a multiple of 5."); }

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single line if else javascript

How to use function with if-else statement in JavaScript?

Alright, listen up JavaScript crew! We talked about how if…else statements are the gatekeepers of your code, decidin’ what runs when the condition is right. But what if you gotta run that same kinda logic inside a function? JavaScript lets you do that too, and it’s actually pretty sweet.

Here’s the breakdown:

  • Craft Your Function: First, you gotta build your function like normal. Give it a name and tell it what arguments it needs (if any).
  • Slap in the If…Else: Inside the function’s curly braces, that’s where you put your if…else statement. Just like you would normally, write your condition and the code you want to run if that condition is true. Then, hit it with an else statement for what to run if it ain’t true.
  • Use the Function: Alright, now that your function’s decked out with an if…else statement, you can use it just like any other function. Pass it any arguments it needs, and it’ll run the code inside, checkin’ your condition and decidin’ what to do next.

Bonus Tip: JavaScript also has this thing called an else if statement. That lets you check a bunch of different conditions, one after the other. Pretty slick for when you have more than two options to consider.

Here’s an example to clear things up:

function checkAge(age) {
  if (age >= 21) {
    return "Welcome to the club!";
  } else {
    return "Sorry, gotta be 21 or older.";

let entryMessage = checkAge(25);
console.log(entryMessage); // This would print "Welcome to the club!"

See how the checkAge function uses an if…else statement to decide what message to return? Pretty powerful stuff, right? Now you can write functions that make decisions and adapt to different situations. Go forth and conquer the JavaScript world!

What is else if statement in JavaScript?

Do you remember when we taught you about the powerful if…else statement in JavaScript? It’s like the gatekeeper of your code, determining what happens when a condition is either true or false. Get ready for another round, because we’re here to introduce its partner in crime: the else if statements.

Imagine yourself at the store, trying to buy beer and needing to show your ID. If you’re 21 or older, you’re good to go. If not, the cashier checks your ID. If it’s fake, you’re out. If it’s expired, same story. But if none of those apply, you’ve got a valid ID and can enjoy your drink.

With the else if statement, you can link multiple conditions in your code. If the first condition in your if statement isn’t met, JavaScript moves on to the else if statement.

You can keep adding more else if statements, checking different conditions until you hit the right one. And if none of those conditions are true, you can always fall back on an else statement for the default action.

  • The OG If Statement: First, you write your regular if statement with its condition and the code to run if that condition is true.
  • The “Else If” Chain: After the closing curly brace of your if statement, you can add an else if statement. This checks another condition, and if that one’s true, it runs the code inside its curly braces.
  • Keep Stackin’ (Optional): You can keep adding else if statements one after another, each checkin’ a new condition.
  • The Big Else (Optional): Finally, if none of the conditions in your if or else if statements are true, you can add an else statement with the code to run in that case.

Don’t forget, you’re allowed to use just one if statement, but you can include several else if statements.

function checkGrade(grade) {
  if (grade >= 90) {
    return "A+! Excellent work!";
  } else if (grade >= 80) {
    return "B+. Great job!";
  } else if (grade >= 70) {
    return "C. You did alright.";
  } else {
    return "Uh oh, gotta study harder next time.";

let gradeMessage = checkGrade(85);
console.log(gradeMessage); // This would print "B+. Great job!"

What is the else if ladder program in JavaScript?

Imagine a bouncer who follows a strict set of rules:

  • Initial Check: The bouncer starts by checking your ID using an if statement as the main condition (e.g., age >= 21). If the condition is true, the bouncer allows you to enter (the code executes).
  • Alternative Checks: However, if your ID fails the initial check (else if), the bouncer proceeds to check another aspect (e.g., fake ID detection). If this condition is true, the corresponding code is executed (e.g., “Get outta here!”).
  • Additional Checks (Optional): You can have more checks, such as verifying if the ID has expired (another else if).
  • Final Step (Optional): If none of the conditions pass, there is an else statement that defines the default action (e.g., “Come back when you’re older”).

Key points:

  • There is only one if statement, but multiple else if statements.
  • The else if statements are evaluated one by one, stopping at the first true condition.
  • The else statement (optional) is executed if all conditions fail.

In essence, this approach allows you to create a multi-step condition checker in JavaScript, providing great flexibility to your code!

How would you write an if statement in JavaScript?

An if statement in JavaScript is pretty straightforward! Here’s how you write one:

if (condition) {
  // Code to run if the condition is true


  • if – This keyword starts the if statement.
  • (condition) – This is where you write the condition that needs to be evaluated. The condition can be anything that evaluates to true or false (e.g., comparisons, checks, etc.).
  • { } – These curly braces contain the code that will only run if the condition inside the parentheses is true.


let age = 25;

if (age >= 21) {
  console.log("You are old enough to drink!");

In this example, the age variable is compared to 21. If age is greater than or equal to 21 (which it is in this case), the code inside the curly braces will be executed, printing “You are old enough to drink!” to the console.

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  • The condition must be enclosed in parentheses.
  • The code to be executed needs to be indented within the curly braces.
  • You can add an else statement after the if block to define what happens if the condition is false. We’ll explore that in another session!

What is an example of an if-else statement?

Here’s an example of an if-else statement in JavaScript:

let isWeekend = true;

if (isWeekend) {
  console.log("Time to relax! ");
} else {
  console.log("Back to the grind. ");


  1. We define a variable isWeekend and set it to true.
  2. The if statement checks the condition isWeekend. Since it’s true, the code inside the first curly braces (console.log("Time to relax! ")) is executed.
  3. If isWeekend were false, the code inside the else block (console.log("Back to the grind. ")) would run instead.

This example uses the if-else statement to display a different message depending on the value of the isWeekend variable. It shows how you can control the flow of your code based on a condition.

How to use if-else condition?

If-else statements are fundamental building blocks for making decisions in your code. Here’s how to use them in JavaScript:

1. The if Statement:

  • It starts with the if keyword followed by parentheses containing a condition. This condition can be anything that evaluates to true or false (comparisons, checks, etc.).
  • If the condition is true, the code block inside curly braces after the if statement gets executed.
let age = 25;

if (age >= 21) {
  console.log("You are old enough to drink!");

2. The else Statement (Optional):

  • The else statement provides an alternative code block to run if the condition in the if statement is false.
  • It’s placed after the closing curly brace of the if block.
let isWeekend = false;

if (isWeekend) {
  console.log("Time to relax! ");
} else {
  console.log("Back to the grind. ");
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3. Combining if and else:

You can combine these to create more complex decision-making logic.

let grade = 87;

if (grade >= 90) {
  console.log("Excellent work! You got an A+");
} else if (grade >= 80) {
  console.log("Great job! You got a B+");
} else {
  console.log("Keep studying! You got a", grade);

Key Points:

  • The condition in the if statement must be enclosed in parentheses.
  • The code to be executed needs to be indented within curly braces for both if and else blocks.
  • You can have multiple else if statements to check for additional conditions after the initial if statement.
  • The else statement is optional and only runs if none of the conditions in the if or else if statements are true.

By mastering if-else statements, you can control the flow of your JavaScript code and make it respond differently based on various conditions.

Search More About If Else Javascript


In this blog, you’ve delved into the world of if…else statements in JavaScript. These conditional statements are vital for making decisions in your code, and you’ve gained practical experience through a series of exercises and solutions.

Whether it’s categorizing data, assessing conditions, or assigning grades, you’re now well-equipped to handle these tasks using JavaScript. Keep practicing, exploring, and applying these skills to real-world coding scenarios, and you’ll become a confident JavaScript programmer.

single line if/else javascript
if statement one line javascript

If you have more questions or want to further enhance your JavaScript skills, consider joining coding communities and taking on more complex javascript projects. The world of JavaScript is vast, and your journey is just beginning. Happy coding!

Categories: Javascript


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