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There are several reasons why the VAN 128 error may appear.
If this error is stopping you from playing, these solutions may help you get back into the game. Some of them are related to specific software on your computer, so be sure to check the entire list before you begin.
Confirm that your device is in a trusted/secure state. Vanguard checks a few settings to make sure your computer is safe, including that test mode is disabled and that you are using the driver signing application.
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What is Vanguard Error VAN 128?
Vanguard Error VAN 128 is a common problem that players encounter when issues arise with Riot’s Vanguard anti-cheat system, which often prevents access to games like League of Legends and Valorant. The error can appear in various forms such as “Vanguard VAN Error 128,” “Vanguard error 128,” or “erro Vanguard VAN 128 lol,” depending on regional and language settings.
Causes of Vanguard Error VAN 128
This error is generally caused by a failure in Vanguard’s startup process or conflicts with system drivers or other software. The anti-cheat system may detect anomalies or conflicts that prevent it from functioning properly. As a result, players might encounter messages such as “League of Legends Vanguard error VAN 128” or “lol Vanguard error VAN 128.” These errors may also occur if Vanguard is not installed correctly or has become corrupted.
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VAN 128 solution
Confirm Device Is in a Trusted/Secured State
Follow these instructions to restore these settings to a more secure state:
- Press the Windows key.
- Type cmd.
- Select Run as administrator in the right column.
- Type the following two commands exactly as shown below, pressing Enter after each command:
- bcdedit /set TESTSIGNING off
- bcdedit /set nointegritychecks OFF
- Restart your computer.
Disable Memory Debugging
In some cases, a problem with Windows’ default debugging settings can cause this error.
Try changing these settings by following these steps:
- Press the Windows key.
- Type sysdm.cpl, and then press Enter.
- Go to the Advanced tab – Startup and Recovery – Settings.
- Change the drop-down list for Debugging information from Written (none).
- Restart your computer.
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Fasoo Software
If you are stuck in a loop where you log in indefinitely without seeing an error message, Fasoo software could be the cause. You can uninstall it to fix the problem:
- Press the Windows key.
- Type control panel, and then select control panel when it appears.
- Go to Programs and Features.
- Find the publisher “fasoo.com”.
- Select more than ‘Uninstall’.
- Restart your computer.
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CSP CryptoPro Cloud CSP
This error can also occur if you have CryptoPro Cloud CSP installed on your computer, which usually appears as cpinit.exe in your Task Manager’s process list.
Follow these steps to disable CryptoPro:
- Press the Windows key.
- Type Control Panel, then select Control Panel when it appears.
- Go to Programs → Programs and features.
- Select CryptoPro Cloud CSP from the list and click Change.
- A pop-up window will appear.
- Click Next.
- Select Change.
- Select Compatibility from the list and check “This component will be unavailable”.
- Restart your computer.
- If disabling the program does not solve the problem, you will have to uninstall this software from your computer.
- This can be done through the same Programs and components tab in your Control Panel.
Common Symptoms
Players experiencing this issue are often unable to launch League of Legends or Valorant, receiving error messages like “erro no Vanguard 128” or “league van 128 error.” These errors can also prevent players from connecting to game servers or logging into their Riot Games accounts.
How to Solve the Problem
To resolve the “Vanguard VAN 128” error, players can try several steps. These include restarting their PC, reinstalling Vanguard, or updating system drivers. In some cases, disabling Vanguard, reinstalling both the anti-cheat system and the game, may help. However, the persistence of this error can pose challenges, leading to continued frustration among players.
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Check this also:
The error “Vanguard VAN 128” has been a recurring issue for players across multiple Riot Games titles, particularly in League of Legends and Valorant. This error stems from Riot’s anti-cheat system, Vanguard, which sometimes fails to initialize properly, causing conflicts and blocking access to the game.
Players encountering “LOL Vanguard error VAN 128” or “league of legends error VAN 128” often report being unable to log in or launch their game, leading to frustration. Messages like “erro Vanguard VAN 128 lol” or “erreur VAN 128” are seen in various regions, with many attempting fixes like reinstalling Vanguard or restarting their system, but the issue remains prevalent. The ongoing nature of this error disrupts gameplay and has sparked discussions about the reliability of Vanguard as an anti-cheat solution.
Many players have encountered the frustrating “error Vanguard VAN 128” while playing games like League of Legends (LoL). This issue often arises due to the anti-cheat system Vanguard in Valorant, which conflicts with other processes, causing disruptions in LoL.
Players report receiving messages such as “error Vanguard 128” or “erro Vanguard VAN 128” when trying to access the game, preventing them from playing. The error message may also appear as “erro no Vanguard VAN 128 lol,” “erreur VAN 128,” or similar variations across different languages. Troubleshooting steps often include restarting the PC or reinstalling the game, but the persistence of “League of Legends Vanguard error VAN 128” continues to be a major concern for the gaming community.
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The VAN 128 error can be fixed with several troubleshooting steps. It is important to check the security status of your device and disable certain software like Fasoo or CryptoPro Cloud CSP.
Follow the instructions carefully and restart your computer after each step for the changes to take effect. By addressing these possible causes, you should be able to resolve the error and resume your games without being disturbed.
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The “Vanguard error VAN 128” has become a common issue among League of Legends players, as it often interrupts gameplay and prevents users from launching the game. This error, linked to Riot’s Vanguard anti-cheat system, can appear in various forms, such as “error de Vanguard VAN 128,” “erro Vanguard VAN 128 lol,” or “league of legends Vanguard error VAN 128.”
Players across the globe, whether receiving messages like “lol error VAN 128” or “league VAN 128,” face similar frustrations. Fixing the problem often requires users to disable or reinstall Vanguard, but the recurrence of “Vanguard error VAN 128” continues to plague the community, making it a widely discussed issue in both LoL and Valorant circles.