📊 “SalesSight: Unveiling E-commerce Trends” 🛍️📈(Data analysis project)

Welcome to SalesSight: Unveiling E-commerce Trends! 🛍️📈 Our innovative Data Analysis project is at the forefront of providing a comprehensive and insightful analysis of the ever-evolving landscape of online retail. With a keen focus on data-driven decision-making, SalesSight empowers businesses with the knowledge to navigate the dynamic e-commerce world effectively. Read more…

Global YouTube Statistics Analysis 2023

In this notebook, we will analyze the Global YouTube Statistics 2023 and draw conclusions based on the dataset. Data preprocessing Youtuber subscribers video views category Title uploads Country Abbreviation channel_type video_views_rank … subscribers_for_last_30_days created_year created_month created_date Gross tertiary education enrollment (%) Population Unemployment rate Urban_population Latitude Longitude rank 781 Zee Read more…

Cafe Sentiment Driven Recommendations 

1. Data Exploration and Understanding Dataset: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/juhibhojani/zomato-cafe-reviews/code 1.1 Import Necessary Libraries We began by importing essential libraries such as pandas, numpy, matplotlib, and seaborn to handle data manipulation, analysis, and visualization. 1.2 Load the Dataset The dataset named ‘reviews.csv’ was loaded, which contains reviews and ratings of various cafes. 1.3 Read more…

Unveiling Global Well-being: Analyzing the World Happiness Report 2013-2023

Introduction: In an era of data-driven insights, the “World Happiness Report 2013-2023” dataset emerges as a fascinating window into the intricacies of global happiness. With a comprehensive repository of happiness scores, economic indicators, and social factors, this analysis uncovers trends, correlations, and nuanced insights that offer a deeper understanding of Read more…