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Hangman Game In Python With Source Code

Table of Contents

Introduction to Hangman Game in Python

If you’ve ever thought about making a traditional word-guessing game as you learn Python (Hangman Game), then you’re in for a treat! Today, we’ll be constructing a Hangman game – an exciting game where you guess letters to uncover a secret word, all the while aiming to steer clear of the hangman’s noose.

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This endeavor is ideal for newcomers and experienced developers alike who wish to enhance their coding skills in an enjoyable and engaging manner.

Moreover, it presents a fantastic chance to enhance your comprehension of Python through the manipulation of strings, loops, and conditionals.

What’s Hangman?

Hangman is a classic word-guessing game that has been entertaining people for years. Picture this: the computer selects a secret word, and your task is to guess it one letter at a time.

Each correct guess reveals more of the word, while each incorrect guess brings you closer to a drawn hangman—a stick figure that represents your diminishing chances.

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The excitement comes from trying to guess the word correctly before your incorrect guesses complete the hangman’s drawing. The game combines luck, vocabulary knowledge, and a bit of strategy, making it a simple yet thrilling challenge.

As you guess letters, you’ll need to use deductive reasoning to figure out the word, especially as the number of blanks decreases and the stakes get higher.

What is the objective of the hangman game in Python?

The aim of the Hangman game in Python is to uncover the secret word selected by the computer by guessing one letter at a time, before the hangman drawing is finished.

Correct guesses unveil portions of the word, while wrong guesses add pieces to the hangman.

The objective is to solve the entire word through smart guessing and deduction, making sure to avoid too many mistakes to emerge victorious.

It’s an enjoyable and educational puzzle that helps improve your vocabulary and problem-solving abilities.

Word GuessingGuess the hidden word one letter at a time.
Avoiding the GallowsPrevent the complete drawing of the hangman by making correct guesses.
Strategic ThinkingUse logic and deduction to make informed guesses based on revealed letters.
Enhancing VocabularyImprove your vocabulary and spelling skills by encountering and guessing words.
Winning the GameSuccessfully guess the entire word before the hangman drawing is completed.
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Getting Started

Before we dive into the code, make sure you have Python installed on your computer. You can use any code editor you like, such as PyCharm, VS Code, or even a basic text editor.

Building the Game

In our Hangman game, we’ll:

  • Choose a random word from a list.
  • Let you guess letters to figure out the word.
  • Track your correct and incorrect guesses.
  • Display your progress and the number of attempts left.

Let’s Code!

Here’s a friendly guide to coding your own Hangman game in Python:

import random

def hangman():
    # List of possible words
    words = ["python", "programming", "hangman", "challenge", "fun"]
    # Randomly choose a word from the list
    word = random.choice(words)
    guessed = "_" * len(word)
    word = list(word)
    guessed = list(guessed)
    letters_guessed = []
    attempts = 6  # Number of attempts

    print("Welcome to Hangman!")
    print(" ".join(guessed))
    print(f"You have {attempts} attempts remaining.")

    while attempts > 0:
        guess = input("Guess a letter: ").lower()

        if len(guess) != 1 or not guess.isalpha():
            print("Please enter a single letter.")

        if guess in letters_guessed:
            print("You already guessed that letter!")


        if guess in word:
            for i in range(len(word)):
                if word[i] == guess:
                    guessed[i] = guess
            print("Good guess!")
            attempts -= 1
            print("Wrong guess. Try again!")

        print(" ".join(guessed))
        print(f"You have {attempts} attempts remaining.")

        if "_" not in guessed:
            print("Congratulations! You guessed the word!")
        print(f"Sorry, you ran out of attempts. The word was {''.join(word)}.")

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How to Play

When you execute the code, the game will begin by selecting a random word. You will be presented with a string of underscores, each one standing for a letter in the word. Input a letter to make a guess.

If your guess is correct, the letter will show up in the right place. If your guess is incorrect, you will lose a try. Keep on guessing until you either figure out the word or exhaust all your attempts.

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Adding Some Extra Fun

Looking to add some extra fun to your Hangman game? Let’s brainstorm some ways to liven things up!

To start, think about broadening your word selection. By incorporating a wider range of words, you can enhance the diversity and complexity of the game.

Rather than limiting yourself to just a handful of words, why not compile a lengthier list featuring words of different levels of difficulty? This will ensure that players stay engaged and find each round more captivating. Here are some tips for expanding your word bank:

words = ["python", "programming", "hangman", "challenge", "fun", "developer", "algorithm", "debugging", "variable", "function"]
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Sure, why not consider incorporating a visual component into your game? Adding a basic visual representation of the hangman using ASCII art can enhance the game experience.

You can update the visual as the player makes incorrect guesses to show the hangman’s progression towards the gallows. Here’s a sample of how you could integrate ASCII art into your game:

hangman_stages = [
       |    |
       |    |
       |    O
       |    |
       |    O
       |    |
       |    |
       |    O
       |   /|
       |    |
       |    O
       |   /|\\
       |    |
       |    O
       |   /|\\
       |   /
       |    |
       |    O
       |   /|\\
       |   / \\

Then, you can update the hangman drawing with each incorrect guess like this:

print(hangman_stages[6 - attempts])
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Lastly, adding a hint system can be a great way to help players out when they’re stuck. After a certain number of incorrect guesses, you could offer hints to make the game a bit easier. Hints could be a letter in the word or a clue about the word itself. Here’s an example of how you might implement a hint system:

hints = {
    "python": "A popular programming language.",
    "programming": "What you are doing right now.",
    "hangman": "The name of this game.",
    "challenge": "This game is a type of...",
    "fun": "What we are having!",
    "developer": "Someone who writes code.",
    "algorithm": "A step-by-step procedure for calculations.",
    "debugging": "The process of finding and fixing errors.",
    "variable": "A storage location paired with a name.",
    "function": "A block of organized, reusable code."

if attempts < 3:  # Offer a hint if the player has less than 3 attempts left
    print(f"Hint: {hints[word]}")

These enhancements will not only make the game more fun to play but also more engaging and challenging. Happy coding!

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Hangman offers more than just entertainment—it’s an amazing opportunity to enhance your Python abilities while having a blast.

Creating this game will provide you with practical knowledge of key programming principles such as loops, conditionals, and random number generation.

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So, why hesitate? Dive into coding and savor the excitement of Hangman!

Happy coding!

Categories: Python

1 Comment

100 Best Python Projects With Source Code: Beginner To Pro · August 23, 2024 at 11:07 pm

[…] 🔹 Hangman Game […]

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